[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 36240KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 57(11): 1937-1949, 1957


Kasumigaura National Hospital, Tsuchiura

Takashi SENOO

Of 5,001 persons from 25 villages in Southern Korea and Quelpart Island examined for filariasis, 604 were shown to harbour microfilariae which were identified as W. malayi.
The highest incidence of the organism occurred in Ouelpart Island, the next highest in the southwestern section of the Korean Peninsula, and the lowest in the southeastern area. The endemicity rate in the different age groups showed the steadly rise with progressive age in the endemic area of the Peninsula, on the otherhand, it was high already in the first age groups by a nearly constant lavel or even a dicline in Quelpart Island. The organism was equally distributed between the sexes on Quelpart Island, men were more often infected in the Korean Peninsula.
Types of filarial disease were restricted to two, name elephantiasis of extremities and history of attack of acute swelling on the extremities. The disease rates were generally very lower than the infection rates. The elephantiasis located mostly on the leg, and its grade was generally. In Quelpart Island elephantiasis distributed in both sexes almost equally, but in the Peninsula men were more often affected. Symptoms and course of filarial disease were described.
(author's abstract)

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