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J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 57(11): 1853-1871, 1957


Matsukura Surgical Clinic, Nippon Medical School, Tokyo.


This study makes a part of the investigation on ileus conducted by Prof. Matsukura.
The author set an experimental complex ileus on dogs and observed the attitude of serum iron, quantities of iron in ascites and in the closed intestinal loop as well as of tissue iron, with reference to ferritin fractions . The effect of ferritin to reduce urinary amount was also included there.
The results were as follows :
I. Quantitatively
1) The iron has a temporally growing tendency in the early stage of the disease with a gradual fall afterwards until it turns upward once more just before the death.
2) It greatly increases in the ascites.
3) It also conspicuously multiplies in the other contents of the closed loop of the intestine. This is to mean that the serum iron in the experimental ileus increases for a time in the initial span of the disease, then moves into the ascites and into the loop, contents for excretion.
II. The tissue iron in the liver and the spleen especially the ferritin fraction, remarkably decreases with time.
III. Immunologicaly
1) The kennel serum and ascites positively act in the precipitin test 6 hours and 8 hours respectively after the setting in of the experimental ileus, on the serum of rabbit treated with the anti-liver ferritin of the dog.
2) An intravenous injection of this positive serum or ascites to a guinea pig treated with anti-liver ferritin of a dog causes anaphylaxy and kills the animal.
3) Both the positive serum and positive ascites are also positive in the meso-appendixtests. These facts reveal that the ferritin fractions into the serum and the ascites in the experimental ileus.
IV. The fluctuation and its cause.
1) While serum iron drastically increases in a short time in acetylcholin shock the liver iron, especially ferritin, decreases with a marked time.
2) When acetylcholin is irrigated throngh the liver, the iron there in, especially ferritin fraction falls a great deal.
3) Against the quick affection of acetylcholin in the liver these changes set in slowly when the hepatic arteries are tied to cut the oxygen supply to the organ.
Only a slight affection is observable several hours after the knot.
4) To prevent the fall of the liver iron in ileus, especially of ferritin fractions, atropin, an anti-acetylcholin and the cutting of vagas nerves serve very well.
With all these results in mind, the author presumes that the over production of an acetylcholin-like substance that Prof. Matsukura proposes has much to do with the disease.
V. Ferritin has a remarkable anti-diuretic action. This is due to the enhanced circulation of blood in the kidney and is supposed to be a factor to reduce the quantity of urine.
(author's abstract)

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