[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 7296KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 57(9): 1603-1611, 1956


Second Surgical Clinic, Osaka University Medical School (Director: Prof. Masaru KURU)


To obtain further informations about the bulbar autonomic centers concerning micturition following experiments were carried out.
Fifty-eight adults cats were used. Anaesthesia was induced by urethan injected subcutaneously in doses of 1.5 g per kilo body weight. The urethra was exposed through a midline laparotomy and catheter was inserted into the urinary bladder and its tip was kept remaining about one centimeter from the bladder neck.
In order to eliminate the effects on the bladder pressure of the contraction of abdominal muscles, the latter were cruciform cut in every experiment. In certain number of animals, moreover, the intestines were immrsed in Ringer's solution pool.
The decerebellation was performed by means of occipital craniotomy. The medulla was, then, stimulated electrically by square wave pulse, a unipolar electrode being applied as the stimulator.
The distribution of points at which stimulation produced contractions of bladder was especially dense in the ventrolateral region of the reticular formation, adjacent to the nucleus ambiguus, just caudal to the obex. Points yielding relaxation of this organ was especially confined to the gray matter adjacent to the solitary fascicle, at the middle of the ala cinerea. The results seems to indicate the importance of the parts of medulla as autonomic centres for reflex micturition.
(author's abstract)

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