[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 16988KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 57(8): 1373-1393, 1956


The Surgical Department, Kanto-Telecommunication Hospital (Director: Prof. Kentaro SHIMIZU)


Under controlled hypotension produced by Hexamethonium (C6), Pendiomid or Arfonad, glomerular filtration rate, renal plasma flow, renal blood flow, filtration fraction, renal vascular resistance, and urine volume of the dogs were measured. Then on every drugs the relationships between reduction degrees of blood pressure and renal clearances chiefly pointed on renal blood flows were studied.
The change of tubular excretory mass and the influence of methedrin to renal blood flow under controlled hypotension potension were studied.
1. On the relationship between reduction degree of blood pressure and renal blood flow, it was suitable to classified to 3 groups―(A) reduction degree of blood pressure was―10~―20%. (B)―20~―50%, and (C) above―50%, and it was found that till―50% of reduction degree of blood pressure renal blood flow could return to control value, but above―50% both blood pressure and renal blood flow couldn't return to control value.
2. Blood pressure, had pre-drugs mean blood pressure below 110 mmHg, was tend to reduce hardly, but above 110 mmHg tend to reduce easily by ganglion blocking agent.
3. Till now it has been said that, under controlled hypotension the limit of maximal blood pressure was 70~80 mmHg, but the limit of hypotension must be decided, not by absolute blood pressure value, but by reduction percentage of blood pressure. This limit is―50%.
4. Compared between three drugs.
(1) Influenced to renal blood flow, Arfonad the most, C6 the second, and Pendiomid the least.
(2) Effected to reduction of blood pressure, Arfonad the greatest, C6 the second, and Pendiomid the least.
(3) On the rate of appearance of the drug effect, Arfonad the fastest, C6 the second, and Pendiomid the slowest.
(4) On the rate of disappearance of the drug effect, Arfonad the fastest, C6 the second, and the Pendiomid the slowest.
5. Tubular excretory mass decreased paralleled blood pressure, having no relation with te change of glomerular filtration rate.
6. By administration of Methedrin under controlled hypotension, the renal blood flow decreased when reduction percentage of blood pressure was below―20%, but the renal blood flow increased when above―20% and below―50%.
(author's abstract)

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