[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 20140KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 57(8): 1348-1372, 1956


Shimizu Surgical Department, Tokyo University School of Medicine

Matsuji AOYAMA

Experiments were carried out on the interaction of various muscle relaxants, dTc, Flaxedil, Laudolissin, Mytolon, C10 and SCC, employing electromyogram and respiration curve in man and dog, and sciatic-nerve-tibial-muscle preparation in dog. Several interesting facts were observed.
1. DTc and Flaxedil act similarly in their attitude in repeated use of one of these drugs and alternate use of these two drugs; in the interaction with other relaxants; and in the reaction to antagonistic drugs.
2. Laudolissin is :
a) Similar to dTc and Flaxedil in its cumulative effect; in its augmentation of action in the concomitant use with dTc or Flaxedil ; in one-side antagonism to C10 in the reaction to SCC or Mytolon when used repeatedly, consecutively and concomitantly; and its being antagonized with Vagostigmin or Tensilon.
b) Different from dTc and Flaxedil in its effect not changed by the concomitant use of C10; and in its being antagonized with 49-204.
3. Mytolon is :
a) Similar to dTc and Flaxedil in its cumulative effect and its reaction to SCC.
b) Different from dTc and Flaxedil in its antagonism to C10 without one-side antagonism; in its being hardly antagonized with Vagostigmin or Tensilon; in its being antagonized with 49-204 ; and in the fact that the action of dTc or Flaxedil is not increased by the previous use of Mytolon.
4. C10 and SCC are similar one another in their ineffectiveness after the use of dTc, Flaxedil, Laudolissin or Mytolon; in their being antagonized with 49-204; in their mutual addition of the action ; and in their being antagonized when used during the administration of dTc, Flaxedil, Laudolissin or Mytolon. C10 and SCC are different one another in the fact that SCC is effective after administration of C10 when C10 is showing tachyphylaxis; and in the fact that C10 is antagonized by Vagostigmin or Tensilon while SCC is additive.
5. As a summary, it is not reasonable to classify the muscle relaxants in two distinct groups. At least in dog, it seems more reasonable to think that dTc and Flaxedil are placed at the one end as curarizing agents, and SCC at the other end as a depolarizing agent, and Laudolissin, Mytolon and C10 are placed properly between these two ends.
(author's abstract)

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