[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 10622KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 57(4): 557-570, 1956


First Clinic of Surgery, Kyushu University Medical School (Prof. H. MIYAKE)
First Clinic of Surgery, Tokushima University Medical School (Prof. S. TAKITA)

Yutaka HARA

1) The intestinal inhibitory reflexes, particularly those in ileus, elicited before and after mesenteric denervation (Youmans' method) were studied in dogs by observing the pre-and post-denervation movement of Thiry's or Thiry-Vella's loop formed in animals.
2) The movement of the loop was rhythmically peristaltic and 3.7~5.5 seconds in periodicity before mesenteric denervation, and was a trifle lowered in tonus and acutely responsive to any change in its internal pressure after it.
3) When a dog had two Thiry loops formed in it, an inhibitory reflex was induced simultaneously in both loops of 48~95 mmHg when the pressure-regulating balloon used was 3cm across and 4cm long, and at 16~52 mmHg when it was 3cm across and 10cm long. As a rule, the occurrence of this interrelated reflexes depended on the length of the balloon,i. e., the area of the expanded portion of the intestine, on the pressure under which it was expanded, and on the time in which the pressure was raised to a certain level.
4) An interrelated inhibitory reflex was caused in an intestine expanded in ileus when the internal pressure of its part above the line of obstruction was suddenly raised by means of a ballon. The minimum internal pressure at which the reflex was induced was 25~50 mmHg 14~20 hours after the formation of ileus and 15~45 hours after it. These observations were elicited irrespective of the location of ileus. However, the degree to which the movement of the loop was inhibited by a given amount of additional pressure applied artificially to the part above the line of obstruction became indeterminable 70 hours or more after the formation of ileus.
5) An inhibitory reflex was elicited simultaneously, irrespective of the location of ileus, in the part of the intestine below the line of obstruction and the part formed into an artificial loop in 70% of cases 20~30 hours after the formation of ileus an in 15% of cases 40 hours or more after it. It was thus seen that the reflex caused became more indistinct with the duration of ileus.
6) No interrelated inhibitory reflex, ascribable either to the expansion of a balloon and consequent extraneous expansion of the intestinal wall or to an autonomic movement of the part above the line of obstruction, was observable after mesenteric denervation of the loop in case the loop was isolated from the rest of the intestine.
(author's abstracl)

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