[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 15041KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 57(4): 500-519, 1956


First Department of Surgery, Kyushu University School of Medicine (Director: Prof. H. MIYAKE)


Since both bile acid and adrenocortical hormone beeing steroids and derive from cholesterol, the influence of adrenal cortical function on metabolism of bile acid, which is believed to play an important role in the formation of gall stones, was studied experimentally in dogs, and the following results were obtained:
1) The metabolic process of adrenal corticoids differs according to the site of hepatic acini. Namely, when the central portion of acinus was damaged there was a decrease in the concentration of adrenal corticoids, whereas, damage of peripheral portion or in case with resorption icterus resulted in an increase of adrenal corticoids of peripheral blood.
2) Reciprocal relationship was observed between the concentrations of conjugated dehydroxycholanic acid of hepatic bile and adrenal corticoids in peripheral blood, i. e., a decrease of conjugated dehydroxycholanic acid in hepatic bile was associated with an increase of adrenal corticoids of blood, whereas, increase of conjugated dehydroxycholanic acid was followed by a decrease of adrenal corticoids in peripheral blood.
3) By the administration of ACTH free dehydroxycholanic acid appeared in hepatic bile.
4) These results indicate that adrenal cortical function may participates in the formation of gall stones.
(author's abstract)

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