[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 4556KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 57(3): 410-416, 1956


1st Surgical Department, Osaka University Medical School (Director: Prof. Yoshio OZAWA)


According to the development of biochemical investigations on the carbohydrate metabolism in animal bodies in vivo, there has been expected to find the cause and mechanism of neurological disorders in this way.
In this point of view, the author studied on the carbohydrate metabolism on the epileptics. When the patient was treated without any anticonvulsant remedies, the author observed two periodical tendency of signs on the patient; one was the period when the subject was suffered very often from the convulsive attacks and in another period the individual showed no particular changes. The direct influence upon the blood substances by the epileptic fit usually continued for about 45-60 min.
Being to observe the genuine metabolism of this disease, the direct influence of attack was avoided from the data in this study.
In the period when the patient was suffering from the fit, blood pyruvic acie concentration showed high value, however, the direct influence of fit was excluded periodically and, on the other hand, there was no particular changes in blood lactic acid, blood sugar and thiamine levels. On the contrary, when the patient kept usual living without fit, there was no pathological changes in the level of blood pyruvic acid, lactic acid, blood sugar and blood thiamine concentrations. These results guide us to consider the difference between these two periods.
Thus the concentration level of pyruvic acid was studied furthermore and the following results were obtained.
1) There observed the extraordinary increase of blood pyruvic acid concentration level on the epileptic patients excluding the direct influence of the convulsion, while the levels of blood lactic acid, blood sugar and blood thiamine showed normal.
2) This increase of pyruvic acid is owed to the disturbance of its aerobic transformation.
3) When the patients has arresting of symptoms for long duration, the blood level of pyruvic acid is kept in normal value, but its variency is considerably bigger than that of normal individual.
4) In the convulsive period the concentration level of pyruvic acid increases with larger standard deviation of estimating data.
(author's abstract)

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