[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 11244KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 57(3): 341-356, 1956


The 1st Surgical Clinic, Chiba Univercity, School of Medicine (Director: Prof. Naoji KAWAI)


The most ideal surgical operation means that technique is not complicated and invasion of the operation is selective, and the healing is radical leaving no functionally harmful effect after the operation.
What is most important in deciding the operation to be worked on is ample consideration to be given to the adaptation after the operation. Under this idea, I mainly studied on the liver function research of the condition of the end-to-end anastomosis after operation of the ileocoecal area, the sphere of indication of which is very wide, especially on liver function.
Within 2 weeks, change of liver function resembled to that of gastric resection, but it is not so large.
The results showed that within 6 months though little variation of time being granted on ordinary end-to-end anastomosis, and after 6 months generally the damage of liver function is not recognized. This is the time of the adaptation, and I found that this adaptation is accompanied clinical, roentogenologic adaptation.
The stenosis after end-to-end anastomosis which was rather feared is only transitory, but I found it interfere the adaptation on liver function.
Beside this in cases when the mesentery is cut off in large area at the time of operation on ileocoecal area, in many cases showed the failure of properly functioning of the intestine and liver.
So I came to conclusion that the stenosis and cutting off mesentery in large area interfere the adaptation after the operation.
And the protection of liver function is clinically important after this operation, we must always use this idea protecting it in order to get a good clinical result.
In conclusion I am firmly in belief that the operation is most suitable, and the diseases in the ileocoecal area must positively be operated on, and the end-to-end anastomosis be encouraged, protecting liver function.
(author's abstract)

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