[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 7568KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 57(1): 35-46, 1956


Department of Medical Chemistry, Kyushu University Medical School (Director: Prof. R. Hirohata)
the Second Surgical Clinic, Kyushu University Medical School (Director: Prof. M. Tomoda)

Tsutomu OHNO

The balance of Ca and CI was examined in man kept on a certain test diet, and the levels of the two elements in blood serum were also determined, with the following resuits:
1. Those subjected to total gastrectomy were not remarkably different in CI metabolism from the controIs.
2. The amount of accumulated Ca was significantly smaller and the Ca IeveI in blood serum also somewhat Iower in the patients subjected to total gastrectomy than in the controls, demonstrating that Ca metabolism was disturbed after total gastrectomy.
3. Disturbance of Ca metaboIism following total gastrectomy may be mainly ascribable to the lack of gastric secretion.
(author's abstract)

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