[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 9825KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 56(11): 1533-1548, 1956


Department of Surgery, Keio University Medical School (Prof. Nobukatsu SHIMADA)
Surgical Clinic, Tokyo Electric Power Company Hospital (Dr. Totaro MUTO, Chief of the Service)


Changes in respiratory metabolism, blood amino nitrogen, CO2 and O2 were cIosely followed in shock due to electric injury as weII as when the onset of shock was prevented by means of autonomic blocking agents.
The results were as foIIows:
1) When shock was produed by application of eIectricity to both Iower limbs, both O2 consumption and CO2 production decreased, but not to the same extent, so that the respiratory quotient always increased to above 1.
2) AppIication of sublethal eIectricity to both Iower limbs, application of eIectricity to one lower limb, or to the head did not produce such reversion of the respiratory quotient to above 1.
3) The increase of the respiratory quotient to above 1 is not characteristic of electric shock, but it is also observed in hemorrhagic shock, and therefore can be considered a sign of the onset of shock in general.
4) When the onset of shock due to electric injury was prevented by the use of autonomic blocking agents, section of the visceral nerves, or anesthesia before the application of electricity, the reversion of the respiratory quotient to above 1 was also prevented.
It is concluded, therefore, that the reduction of O2 consumption and increase of the respiratory quotient to above 1 can be considered reliable signs of shock.
5) The above experimental data may point to the significance of uncompensated alkaline deficiency from internal respiratory disturbance as indicators of shock.
(author's abstract)

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