[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 18246KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 56(11): 1429-1455, 1956


Ⅱ. Surgical Department, Tokyo University School of Medicine (Director: Prof. S. KIMOTO)

Yasujiro KODA

The author studied the effect of hypothermic anesthesia on the carbohydrate metaboIism of the brain, liver and muscle : And obtained the following results:
(1) The brain oxygen consumption of dogs decreased on the average in 31.2% of initial value at about 29~26°C of rectal temperature, whereas in men on the average 51.3% at about 32~30°C. The decrement of the brain glucose consumption paralleled that of the brain oxygen consumption.
(2) Unless this anesthesia caused hypoxia, the carbohydrate metabolic pathway of the brain was normal.
(3) In the total splanchnic oxygen consumption of dogs there was a great diminution at about 30~28°C of rectal temperature and it showed on the average 20% of initial value. This decrement amounted to twice as much as that of general oxygen consumption. After rewarming the total splanchnic oxygen consumption showed a marked increase and it suggests that the liver plays an important role as the heat producing organ at the rising of body temperature.
(4) The hepatic glucose output decreased in hypothermia and thus liver glycogen was preserved. After rewarming it increased again.
(5) The hepatie disposal function of lactic and pyruvic acid was not so much affected by the changes of body temperature.
(6) The muscle oxygen consumption and glucose utilization decreased in hypothermia.
(7) When a chill or shiver happened, there were a marked metabolic rise and carbo-hydrate metabolic disturbance.
(8) In hypothermia the added glucose was disposed slowly, due to loered glucose utilization of tissues and lowered glucose uptake of the liver.
(9) The abnormal rosed carbohydrate metaboism was noticed after rewarming. It suggests the necessity of abundant and sufficient oxygen supply.
(10) By the fructose injection it was able to be demonstrated in vivo that in the hypothermic state enzyme activity was diminished.
(author 's abstract)

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