[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 9848KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 56(9): 1205-1220, 1955


The Kawai Surgical Department, Chiba University School of Medicine


Serum protein findings were studied by means of electrophoresis in 20 cases of pulmonary carcinoma. As the contrast 129 cases of normal man, pulmonary tuberculosis, pulmonary infections, pyothorax, mediastinal tumor, etc. were also studied.
In pulmonary carcinoma decrease of A1 and increase of all G1 were remarkably observed. Among G1 α-and γ-G1 specially increased. There was a difference of serum protein findings between pulmonary carcinoma and non-carcinomatous chest diseases, i.e., pulmonary tuberculosis, pyothorax, mediastinal tumor, etc. Especially, difference of α-G1 was remarkable. Accordingly, this phenomenon is useful for the differential diagnosis of pulmonary carcinoma when other clinical findings were referred. However, there was no difference between pulmonary infection and carcinoma.
In cases of carcinoma of the stomach and colon decrease of TP and A1 and increase of each G1 fraction were observed, but decrease of TP and increase of α-G1 were more remarkable than those of gastro-duodenal ulcers.
When it was compared with pulmonary carcinoma, decrease of TP was more marked and changes of fractions findings were slight.
Therefore, as the change of serum protein findings caused by existence of cancer of the lung, decrease of A1 and increse of all G1 especially of α-G1 were worth mentioning.
Moreover, serum protein findings of pulmonary carcinoma became more marked when tissue necrosis and secondary infection existed. Increases of α-G1 by the former and of γ-G1 by the latter were observed more remarkable. The more clinical symptoms were remarkably, the more change of serum protein findings was marked. Therefore, the findings were useful for study of general condition. However, those cannot be a standard of operative indication.
In cases of non-carcinomatous chest diseases, change of serum protein findings recovered within 4 weeks, whereas in cases of pulmonary resection the recovery was delayed when intrathoracic fluid accumulation was severe and continued longer postoperatively. In cases of exploratory thoracotomy of pulmonary carcinoma, change of serum protein findings was slight, but it stationed in worse condition after operation. In cases of pulmonary resection, it gradually recovered within about 8-10 weeks. This progress was similar to that of pulmonary resection with excessive intrathoracic fluid accumulation in cases except pulmonary carcinoma.
Either in cases of radical resection or in cases of conservative resection, serum protein findings were improved to the preoperative leveI or more, especially increase of A1 and decrease of α-G1 were remarkable. Therefore, influence of tumor tissue resection on the living body was unexpectedly conspicuous.
(author's abstract)

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