[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 7613KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 56(2): 171-178, 1955


Department of Neuro-surgery, Niigata University School of Medicine (Director: Prof. Mizuho NAKATA)


In the present investigation, the author examined some pathological reflexes, of 215 brain tumors, 795 lung tuberculosis, 212 non-neurologic diseases and 1087 in health.
The findings obtained were as follows :
1) In a group of brain tumor, some pathological refexes indicated a very high rate, attended with motor paralysis. But, in the cases that had no motor paralysis, some pathological reflexes appeared in 22.7%, and these were mostly extra-pyramidal types.
2) Ataxia has not increased pathological reflexes. Hydrocephalus has not produced motor paralysis, so far as it was not a high degree, but it seemed that increased pathological reflexes.
3) Regarding to the symptoms of motor and premotor areas in brain tumor, author's investigation showed the same results as Fulton's observation.
4) In lung tuberculosis, non-neurologic diseases and in health, some pathological reflexes, especially extra-pyramidal types, (Hoffmann's sign and Rossolimo's reflex)
appeared in high rate. These increased by insufficient sleep, and indicated very chargeable appearance.
5) In the author's electromyographic experiment by the finger flexor reflex, (Trömner's reflex) was affected very easily by several medicines. (Adrenalin, Atropin, Vagostigmin, Pilocarpin, Teabrom and Imidalin)
It is concluded that some pathological reflexes are not only the indication of the pyramidal tract lesions, as they were described up to this day, but these also make frequent appearance by the changes of autonomic nervous system.
(author's abstract)

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