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J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 55(12): 1286-1300, 1955

Original article


I. Surgical Department, Tokushima University School of Medicine


(I) In rabbits, the author observed the moving condition both living and extracted specimen of the normal small intestine, of simple small intestinal obstruction, and of small intestinal strangulating obstruction through various methods: the naked eye observation, abdominal window method, intraluminal pressure recording method and Magnus' method. And at the same time, the author recorded and observed the action current of intestine using Ag-AgCl non-polarizable electrodes of 0.1 mm in diameter, R-C amplifier and electro-oscillograph (H. type vibrator) manufactured by Yokokawa Co.
(II) The movement of small intestine in normal condition
a) In peristatic movement (peristalsis, pendular movement and segmentation), appears in spike discharge groups, univorcal contraction of which corresponds to one spike group and movemental intensity of which is almost similar to the amplitude and to number as well as frequency of spike discharge.
b) Isolated survival specimen of intestinal loop long after extraction shows, on the mechanogram the increase in height and width of wave on the curve line and occurs contraction tending to continue percivable even to the naked eye, which results in tonic abnormal aggravation. On electrogram, on the contrary, decrease of spike potential is percieved.
c) As compared the small intestine in cranial position with that in caudal position, the spike discharge of the former is by far predominant than that of the later,
(III) The small bowel movement in case of simple intestinal obstruction
In the earlier stage after the occurrence of simple intestinal obstruction, the intensified intestinal movement is percieved, which gives rise frequent and strong contraction, whereas, with the progress of ileus, it becomes gradually to be percieved the alternate appearance of kinetic phase (the tonus upward phase) and resting phase (the tonus downward phase) becomes frequent : so-called alternate vicisstudious phase becomes evident, which in the case of contraction, takes form of spasm. In the meantime, on the electro-curve, the increase of respective spike groups is percieved as the result of concerting with movemental aggravation in the early stage.
With extensive, strong and continuous contraction becoming visible even to the naked eye and increasingly tending to spasm, in the early stage, spike increases remarkably in its number and several spike groups shows the tendency to fuse themselves. Resulted from ileus taking critical turn, circulatory disturbance and distention of the intestine become to be aggravated, though, on the mechanogram-curve, appears strong contraction, spike degenerates remarkably so much that it leaves mere trace.
Such finding can be clarified by observing not only extracted specimen but also living one. The degenerating tendency in the later case is conparatively slight.
IV) The movement of the intestine in strangulating obstruction Immediately after occurrence of strangulating, apparently it takes rapidely critical turn.
In the earlier stage temporarily it is percieved by the naked eye but also through mechanogram that intestinal movement is intensified and spike potential also shows itself to tend to increase, but from then on, the former become remarkably feeble so much that in a short space of time, i.e., five to six hours it comes to stop, the later also becomes feeble, which at last ends in disappearance.
(author's abstract)

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