[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 3701KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 55(12): 1231-1236, 1955

Original article


I. Surgical Department, Gunma University School of Medicine (Director: Prof. K. Ishihara)


A 30-year-old female with a convexity meningioma enveloped by a large xanthochromic cyst was investigated from both clinical and neuropathological viewpoints.
For the past several months she had rapid progressive symptoms such as motor aphasia, right hemiplegia as well as consciousness disturbance. Left carotid arteriography was performed showing slight shift of the middle cerebral artery caudally. The author diagnosed it clinically as a malignant glioma of the left motor area. From the operative findings a huge cyst was found around the tumor, containing of 50 cc of xanthochromic viscous fluid, and the tumor itself was as size of a hens egg and soft in consistency and very vascular. It was not infiltrated into brain tissue macroscopically. The tumor was extirpated totally. Many symptoms were improved rapidly after the operation and discharged on foot after 2 weeks. Histologically it was a partly meningothelial and partly angioblastic menigioma. Cystic menigioma is very rare and only 7 cases are found in the CUSHING-EISENHARDT's 313 cases, 5 are convexity and 2 are parasagittal, and this case is the first one reported in Japan, as far as the author knows. It is interesting fact that only convexity and parasagittal meningioms have tendency of cyst formation.
(author's abstract)

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