[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 4829KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 55(9): 1008-1017, 1954

Original article


I. Surgical Department, Tokyo University School of Medicine (Director: Prof. Kentaro SHIMIZU)

Tomihisa MASUDA

1. Under ether or pentothal anestosia, mouse or rat was guillotined and their brain was divided into 2 parts: one half was used for measuring of acethylcholin (ACH) and another half was used for measuring of tissue contents of anesthetic drugs. In rat its brain was divided into 3 parts, cerebellum, pallium and brain stem, in order to study ACH contents of each part.
2. Method of experiment
ACH was measured by Chang & Gaddum's method using the rectus muscle of frog. Cholinesterase (CHE) was measured by Yonezawa's method. Tissue contents of ether was measured by Widmark's method, and that of pentothal was measured by B. B. Brodie's method.
3. Results
During deeper anesthesia (cerebral tissue contents of ether: 9.7mg/g: pentothal: 74 mg/kg), T.ACH of whole brain of mouse was 4.37-5.19 γ/g, C.ACH was 2.27-2,74γ/g, and F.ACH was 2.09-2.44γ/g. Comparing with the results obtained during normal condition (T.ACH -2.45γ/g : C.ACH-1.28γ/g: F.ACH-1.17 γ/g), these data showed marked increase, especially in T.ACH.
These changes were mostly parallel with the rate of tissue contents.
During anesthesia action of CHE was fairly inhibited comparing with normal record.
Similarly to normal cases, ACH was most richly found in the brain stem next in the pallium and most poorly in the cerebellum.
According to the results mentioned above, increase of T.ACH may be caused by inhibition of transformation of F.ACH and decrease of resolution of F.ACH by CHE.
(author's abstract)

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