[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 7503KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 55(8): 886-898, 1954

Original article


Dept. of Surgery, Keio University Medical School (Prof. Nobukatsu SHIMADA)
Surgical Clinic, Shitaya Hospital (Dr. Toshio DENDA, Chief of the Service)

Kosho KA

The purpose of this resarch is to study the nervous correlation between central nervous systems which would be influenced by the centripetal stimulations in the electric shock, namely traumatic shock, and to find out the centrifugal systems to which the centripetal stimulations might project. The animal was rabbit. The mothod of this experiment was. as follows:
Thalamus animals, mid-brain animals, bilaterally splanchnectomized thalamus animals and rhizotomised animals in lumbosacral region were prepared.
Transmitting electricity of more than 8000 Joule through thighs of these animals, the chemical findings of blood in electric shock with the indicators advocated by Prof. Shimada the increase of amino nitrogen, the decrease of CO2一, and the changes of Ht and plasma protein in arterial blood, and the pathological findings of the liver, kidney, suprarenal body and spleen, were studied.
1) Electric shock appeared in thalamus animals and mid-brain animals as in animals unprepared to prevent shock.
2) Electric shock did not appear in thalamus animals prepared to prevent shock by severing bilateral splanchnic nerves.
3) Electric shock was reduced and delayed in animals which were rhizotomised in lumbosacral region.
4) Shock appeared if rhizotomy should be carried out acutely.
Consequently, it has become clear that mechanism of nervous correlation in electric shock, namely traumatic shock, could be explained by the reaction of the nervous chain composed of the centripetal system in the spinal cord, the mid-brain level and the centrifugal system of the splanchnic nerves.
(author's abstract)

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