[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 15177KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 55(7): 754-759, 1954


Surgical Significance and Cancersation of the So-called Chronic Gastritis

Surgical Clinic, Kanazawa University


Sixty cased of so-called chronic gastritis were examined clinically, histologically and histochemically with special reference to the gastric ulcers and cancers.
Histologically, we found the parallel relations between the chronic gastritis and some of gastric carcinomas, especially upon the remarkable atrophy and metaplasia of the mucous glands, hypertrophy of the interstitial connective tissue and infiltration of round cells.
Histochemically, the following results are generally ascertained on the gastric cancers ;
1) Increase of RNA and DNA
2) Increase of phosphoamidase
3) Increase of succinic dehydrogenase
4) Decrease of phosphatase
5) Decrease of mucoprotein
6) Decrease of tyrosine and tryptophane
But some exceptions were noted as follows ;
1) Increasing tendency of mucoprotein, phosphatase, tyrosine and tryptophane
2) Prominent increase of RNA and DNA
Those characteristics, which were mentioned above, are also observed in almost all cases of the chronic gastritis.
(author's abstract)

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