[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 8228KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 55(7): 739-742, 1954


Application of Nakayama's Gastric Resection for Gastroduodenal Ulcer

Nakayama's Surgical Department, Chiba University


In surgical treatment for gastroduodenal ulcer, radical resection should be required from the standpoint of malignant growth and peptic ulcer.
It has been already reported that Billroth I. gastric resection has several advantages over Billroth II, to say nothing of simple procedure and less operative intervention. If radical resection of the ulcer will be performed as much as possible and built up in the form of Billroth I, such procedure will be not far form its ideal.
Under this conception, this procedure were devised. The most characteristic point is to utilize the head of pancreas. The results of experimental and clinical researches reveal that no hazard is involved.
Furthermore, in quest of follow-up-study, it is emphasized that this procedure is excellent as a surgical treatment of gastroduodenal ulcer.
(author's abstract)

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