[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 11707KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 55(7): 720-727, 1954


A Research on the Ulcer of the Stomach, Particulary on
Erosive Gastritis caused by Dietetical Cause

Surgical Deparment, Nara Prefectural Medical Collage

Saichi NAKAJIMA, Yoshinori TOMODA, Sanjin NISHIGORI, Yasukichi HIRAI, Tamotsu NAKANO, Taro OKUMURA, Shigeo ODA, Yoshihiro KAMADA, Masakuni KOMEDA

In our Nara prefecture we find a number of people who habitually take a large quantity of hot rice-gruel as one of their regular meals-a local trait that gose by the name of "Yamato-gayu", which we know quite a lot of people are suffering from the gastric ailment by our bedside and clinical experiencse.
Here upon the members of our depertment set to work on the exclusive study of respective dietetical factosr which are supposed to give remarkable influences on the gastric mucous membrane, concentrating our effors chiefly on the histologicals study. These factors can be devided into quantitative, and thermal ones, the combined factors of quantity and heat, and alcoholic factor we will find in our favorite beverages that are closely tied up to our diet. What pushes us clinicians to work out these researches lies in the fact that, though we have hitherto been paying too much clinical attention to them, yet on account of the shortage of the positive medical proof, the study of the causal relation between diet and gastric troubles has been rather negrected so far.
As the result of our continued experimental research, we have got around to being able to make an interesting report as to series of changes that can be found in the gastric mucous membrane in the respective stages from the acute gastritis, or inflamed erosion to the acute ulcer of the stomach.
Further, from the standpoint of the pathological physiology, we intend to inquire into the changes of iso-electric point value in the surface epithelial cells and so forth, and observe such influences on glandular cells from the functional movement of the microscopic cell-structure.
Thus, we sincerely hope to throw light on the dietetic cause of the erosive gastritis with the positive proof based on the experiment.
(author's abstract)

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