[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 12574KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 55(7): 715-719, 1954


The Function of the Antrum Pyloricum in Ulcer Surgery

Tokyo-Teishin Hospital

Hayao NAKATANI,  Collaborators

We have examined the mechanism of gastric secretion in cases of gastro-duodenal ulcers, from the viewpoint of the function of pyloric antrum : ―
(1) Upon the hyperacidity and hypersecretion found in cases of pyloric or duodenal ulcers, the stimulation caused at the pyloric antrum by the regurgitation of duodenal contents has been observed to have an important bearing. The pyloric insufficiency will be caused by the chronic ulcerative changes.
2) The pyloric antrum exerts a profound influence upon the secretion, not only as the agency responsible to the gastric phase but also to the cephalic phase. Its resection, as well as its deficiency in function occasioned by destruction, causes gradually atrophic degenerative changes and reduction or disappearance of gastric acidity in the fundus gland.
3) Of the pyloric autrum, the role played by the areas surrounding pylorus is especially important in ulcer diseases.
4) By means of the insulin-test and the examination of nocturnal gastric secretion (continued for twelve hours) with regard to gastric diseases presenting ulcer symptoms, we may presume the pre-ulcerative state during the stages of their development into ulcers and that they show indications for gastric resection.
(author's abstract)

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