[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 9300KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 55(4): 370-384, 1954

Original article


I. Surgical Division, Kobe Medical College (Director : Prof. H. Fujita)


(1) Since 1930, Prof. Fujita has advocated the administration of a mixture of physiological saline solution 1000cc, milk, egg yolk and 50m. of glucose to the upper part of the jejunum directly before the closure of the peritoneum, in cases of abdominal operations, e.g., gastrectomy; and has obtained good results in the early administration of nutrition, prevention of intestinal paresis and peritoneal adhesions.
(2) By administration of this mixture to the upper part of the jejunum, numerous permeated fluid appear on the serous membrane of the small intestines, and thus the transudated fluid increases within the abdominal cavity. We have named this physiological phenomenon as the transudation phenomenon in the abdominal cavity.
(3) To explain this phenomenon, the following results have been obtained by experiment on 130 dogs:
a. Intraabdominal transudating phenomenon, can be seen by the introduction of a large amount of fluid into the intestines. The amount of transudated fluid reaches its peak and the protein content is the highest when an iso-tonic saline solution is administered into the intesrines. Following this would be the administration of iso-tonic saline solution intravenously, hypo-tonic saline solution and the warm water through the intestines, but when the hyper-tonic saline solution is administered through the intestines the fluid itself would be excreted through the anus without being absorbed so well.
b. The transudation phenomenon of iso-tonic saline solution given through the intestines, is mainly due to the arterial congestion caused by the stimulation of administering a large amount of fluid into the intestines.
c. The effect of the transudating fluid by the injection of iso-tonic saline solution intravenously to the change of blood composition, is mainly due to the venous congestion caused by the increase in the portal pressure.
d. These phenomenon of transudation is a protection for the liver, kidney and other organs; and it plays a role of regulating the fluid metabolism in the abdominal cavity.
It may be well to consider it as playing a great role to a part of the vascular system.
(author's abstract)

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