[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 4834KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 55(3): 288-296, 1954

Original article


Department of Surgery, Keio University Medical School (Director: Prof. Shimada)


To study electric injuries caused by electricity passing through the parenchyma of the brain, electric currents of 50 Volts A.C., 100 Volts A.C., 300 Volts A.C., and 100 Volts D.C. were passed through the head of rabbits. The amount of electricity was calculated by the strengh and the duration of the passing of current. As the course after applying of the electric current was followed amino-nitrogen, pH, carbon dioxide contents, oxygen contents, hematocrit and plasma protein of arterial blood were checked. The following results were obtained.
1. By the electric current the rabbits showed various forms of convulsions and in some cases gastric hemorrhage or perforation occurred. This demonstrates that the current passed through the parenchyma of the brain. Also, at the site of the electrodes, high degree burns were observed.
2. When electric currents are passed through the head, 2000 joules can be said to be the lethal dose. Of 21 cases which received less than 2000 joules, 5 died for a mortality rate of 23.8%, while 30 cases which received over 2000 joules, 22 died for a mortalit rate of 73.4%
3. In both lethal and sublethal doses there was no increase in blood amino-nitrogen, no decrease in pH or carbon dioxide contents. Also no change was observed in the hematocrit and plasma protein levels. Therefore. the cause of death cannot be attributed to circulatory shock. (author's abstract)

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