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J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 55(3): 231-240, 1954

Original article


Surgical Dept., Keio Gijuku University Medical School (Prof. N. Shimada)

Shigetsune IIKURA

In regard to the movement of colon, there have been numerous reports. However for the transportation of inner materials, there is no complete explanation found at present.
After giving barium orally to the cats, X-ray motion picture films or incised the cats' abdomen within the Tyrod Solution tub with the regular motion picture films were taken and the relations between the movements of the inner materials, the mode of movements, and also changes of colon locations were observed, After giving barium to the human beings, the same observations were performed by using fluoroscope and fluororoentogenography.
In cats' colons, I) beginning of ascending colon, II) end of ascending colon, & III) mid portion of transverse colon, were seen by X-ray, usually have high tonus. Generally these are not seen but in case of movements of inner materials, they are seen clearly. The movements of the inner materials are rarely seen, but generally the appearanse of the spastic contraction rings starting from the beginning of I), II) & III) followed sometimes by extension of the end portion showing cylindrical character, and slight shortening of long axel are conspiciously seen. These contraction rings preceded from proximal portion of colon followed either by I), II), III) or I), III) or II), III) come into slight and the contraction of always occurred in succession. Furthermore these contractions relaxed gradually in each segment similarly, but by the time the contractions of end portion of colon become most conspicuous, the contractions of proximal portion went into almost complete relaxation. The strength, the length and the time of these contractions and relaxations are various. By the contractions of I) & II), the movements of inner material indicated only small part of foregoing portion which has been sent to the following segment. Most of them are retarded by the contraction of II) & III) and pushed back gradually with the relaxation. The inner materials which are sent over the III) with each cylindrical contraction of this portion send these materials caudally and accumulate in the descending colon.
These movements become most conspicuously at time of defecation and the inner materials descend at once, on this moment there is no movement seen above III), Since the remnonts of materials were seen like a knob at the caecum at the time of I) contraction, it is appropriate to saythat this portion does not take part in transporting inner materials. Generally the gas preceedes fluid and solid materials. Furthermore, sometimes the reverse movements, etc. were seen, but they did not show particular relation to the transportation of inner materials.
Also same relations between the movements and the transportation were seen on the part of human beings. (author's abstract)

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