[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 5392KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 55(2): 181-191, 1954

Original article


I.Surgical Department, Tokyo University School of Medicine (Director : Prof. Kentaro SHIMIZU)


Histological studies on peripheral vessels in cases of Buerger's disease were performed in 8 cases of amputated extremities, in 8 cases of resected arteries and in 16 cases of resected veins. The following results were obtained.
1. Essential change of vessels in cases of Buerger's disease could be observed, of course, in main arteries of extremities, and it was frequently disclosed in concomitant veins, superficial veins, etc., too.
2. In order to study pathogenesis of this diease, the primary change of vessels has been studied. The change was observed in resected specimens of superficial veins which was suffered from migrating phlebitis and of radial artery which showed symptoms like nodular vasculitis. These changes of vessels began an acute nonspecific nodular panangitis. At first, cell infiltration of vessel wall of polymorphnuclear leukocytes, lymphocytes, etc., inflammatory edema of intercellular space and intraluminal thrombus-formation appeared. Secondary, granulation-formation, fibrous proliferation and recanalization occurred gradualy in the thrombosed tissue.
3. The changes mentioned above were quite similar to vessel changes which were observed in nodular vasculitis (Montgomery), primary recurrent idiopathic thrombophlebitis, erythema induratum, periaritertis nodosa, etc.
4. From the view point of clinical specificity of the disease, hypersensitive angitis can be thought as one of the causes of the disease, but inthis study there have not been obtained a result which support it positively.
(Author's abstract)

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