[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 4078KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 55(2): 129-136, 1954

Original article


I. Surgical Department, Tokyo University School of Medicine (Director : Prof. Kentaro SHIMIZU)


Developmental mechanism of the peripheral angitis was studied by means of experimental hypersensitive angitis of main arteries of extremities. After sensitization of rabbit by horse serum, horse serum was reinjected into the femoral artery of rabbit. Thus, the angitis which was confirmed by histological examination, was occurred in the hind limbs of 53 rabbits. Furthermore, the following results were obtained.
1) Change of vessels caused by mild antigen-antibody reaction, was slight exsudalive inflammation occurring chiefly in the medial coat which followed, by productive inflammation.
2) Change of vessels caused by intensive reaction was exsudative or necrotic type.
3) When mild reactions were repeated several times during several weeks, marked productive inflammation which is followed by thickening of the intimal coat, was observed.
4) When coldness and adrenalin were applied at the the time of antigen-antibody reaction, marked angitis was observed: whereas, when benzyl-imidazoline was applied, there was no influence on occurrence of angitis.
(Author's abstract)

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