[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 7046KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 55(1): 65-75, 1954

Original article


Surgical Department, Nagoya Red Cross Hospital

Haruhiko MANO

1. Two hundred and twenty-three cases of cancer, 8 reticulum-cell sarcomas, 6 testicles seminoma, 15 sarcomas, 5 mixed and special neoplasmas, 6 Hodgkin's diseases, 3 tumors of the brain and 2 leucamia, altogether 268 cases of malignant tumors which had no operative indication making them objects, the author performed N.M. treatment and investigated healing result among them, and then the most effective result was seen in seminoma, reticulum cell sarcoma and secondary cancer of the pancreas, tumors of the brain and Hodgin's desease, and symptoms of these deseases could be disappeared temporarily or lessened, and the author have obtained a case which was first impossible to operate and turned to become possible to operate by application of the treatment to pre-oprerative use, and recognized in the histological point of view that the central part of reduces or clinically disappeared tumor fell into necrosis and necessarilly left tumor cells on the marginal part which was found to cause relapse.
2. At the operation of tumor the author perfomed injection of 20 mg of N.M. at four times, namely 5mg at one time from 2nd to 7th day after the operation of 208 cases of neoplasma in expection of the effect of relapse prevention, searching for distant result of the cancer of the stomach and as the result of comparison between the cases with N .M. and that without it, it was testified that the deathrate could be remarkably decreased to more than 1/3 of deathrate within 6 months, more than 1/2 within one year and less than 1/2 within one year and a half or 2 years, and the treatment was effective for relapse prevention after the operation of malignant neoplasma.
3. The use of N.M. has been limited into the vein, but the author conceived a method which is able to avoid intoxication on the whole body and to elevate only its effect, that is, a method of injection into the local circulating system. From examples of injections into the artery, a remarkable effect was seen on the facial squamouo scell cancer entirely insensitive to N.M. injection into the vein or X-ray treatment. From examples of injections into the lymphatic system, by injections N.M. into the lymph nodes around the cancer of the stomach at its operation, the author obtained 3 cases that showed a dceisive effect on the metastasis of supraclavicular lymphnodes, and alike a case which was ascertained by reoperation that the metastasis remaining on the part of gastro-hepatic ligament disappeared. As the conclusion of the above mentioned cases, the author have came to testify the possibility of a chemical purification of metastasis on the occasion of the opetation of malignant neoplasma by means of injection of N.M. into the lymphatic system.
(author's abstract)

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