[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 6258KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 54(11): 1048-1058, 1954

Original article


2nd Surgical Department, Tokyo University (Director: Prof. T. Fukuda and Prof. S. Kimoto)

Masanobu ISHIDA

The following conclusion was reached through the clinical observations, covering 49 cases for the past 4 years at the Fukuda Surgical Clinic of Tokyo University.
(1) The postoperative reduction of expelling force, especially after the upper abdominal operation, was measured. These data concurred with the statistical percentage of pulmonary complication which broke out according to operative positions.
(2) It was discerned in the experiment of bronchial obstruction under the aseptic procedure that lung with bronchial obstruction always caused inflamation and this was actually kept under control by the use of penicillin.
(3) Through the clinical observations of the above-mentioned 49 cases, the author pursued the process in which postoperative collapse of the lung or atelectasis turned to bronchopneumonia. It was judged that 44% of postoperative pulmonary collapse turned to bronchopneumonia even when penicillin was used, while at least 50% of postoperative bronchopneumonia cases, or 72% when clinical symptons were included, were preceded by atelectasis.
(4) The observation of the changes which bacteria underwent through the pre and post operative bronchoscopic test showed that even when penicillin was used postoperative bacteria increased in 60% of the cases and that in the case of pulmonary complications, various kinds of bacteria had the tendency to increase.
(author's abstract)

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