[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 6772KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 54(11): 963-973, 1954

Original article

(I) Experimental Studies on Vascular Anastomosis, Comparison of Various Grafts and the Length of Transplants

II. Surgical Clinic, Tokyo University Medical School (Prof. S. Kimoto)

Masahiko TSUNODA

1) The non-suture anastomosis using tube is unreliable method. The author would like to use the classic circular suture as a routine method.
2) For the transplantation of vessels, auto-vein, homo-artery and hetero-artery were examined. Among them the result of homo-artery was the best from the standpoint of safety and reliability.
3) There was no limit on the length of the transplanted artery aegment in success of this procedure, as far as the vessel was not longer than the abdominal aorta of dogs.

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