[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 7168KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 54(11): 616-628, 1954

Original article

Part 2. Vasotropic factors in surgical operations.

Surgical Department, The Branch Hospital of Tokyo University (Director : Assist. Prof. T. Hayasida)


In 9 cases of acute appendicitis, 2 fel into shock due to spinal anesthesia in whom' vasotropic factors appeared transiently. In 9 cases of gastrectomy for peptic ulcer VEM' appeared from during operation to 3 hours after that. In a severely invaded case VEM. persisted for more than 3 hours and disappeared in 10 hours. In each case of a subclavian fracture and a femoral fracture no vasotropic factors could be demonstrated. In 3 cases ofh ead injuryV EM appeared from time toti me, whilei na m ortalc aseV DMa ppeared with other symptoms of irreversible shock. In 3 cases of cholelithiasis or cholecystitis I case・ with impaired hepatorenal function showed VEM from during operation to 3 hours later. Forteen cases of thoratic operations were studied. In 4 cases of thoracoplasty whose bloodloss reached 10 cc per kg. of bodyweight, VEM was demonstrated from during operation to・ 3 hours or 6 hours after that. Five cases of acute perforation-peritonitis were observed. Those who losed considerable time before treatment and one of duodenal perforation show-- ed VEM already before operation. When fallen into severe shock during operation, VDM appeared temporalily, which was replaced by VEM as patient recovered, thereafter, VEM was found for long time postoperatively. In mild cases VEM appeared transiently or never.
(author's abstract)

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