[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 6375KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 54(9): 808-816, 1953

Original article


Second Sergical Depertment, Tokyo University School of Medicine (Prof. Fukuda)

Garaku ISHII

The author has studied on the influences especially from the viewpoint of the fluidal factor in the inflammatory foci by the puncture-aspiration and made the conculsions as: folows:
1) Only aspirated on 146 clinical cases which have infection, and followed-up them closely, the simple aspiration has shown moderately good results.
2) On the experiment using rabbits, the capillary permeability in the inflammatory foci has increased following the aspiration.
3) After the simple aspiration, the serous exsudate of the pus has increased.
4) Following the simple aspiration, pH of pus has gradually increased and shown the neutral or slight basic.
5) Protein in the pus-serum has shown slight increase after the puncture-aspiration.
6) In the most of the aspirated cases the local inflammatory spreading factor has decreased.
7) Determined the existence of the hyaluronidase inhibitor in the abscess, the inhibitor has been shown increase by the puncture-aspiration.
(author's abstract)

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