[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 7958KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 54(9): 772-785, 1953

Original article


II. Surgical Department, Tokyo Univesrity School of Medicine (Director: Prof. T. Fukuda and Assist. Prof. S. Kimoto)

Hitoshi TANAKA

As the result of the external and internal measurement of the abdomen and inguinal region in the case of hernia and non-hernia and as the result of rentogenological examination of the peritoneal vaginal process in foeta, the author came to the folowing conclusions.
I) External measurement of the abdomen
All cases are classified into two groups A & B. Group A consists of those who are less than 15-year-old, mostly suffering from congenital hernia, group B being of those who over 15-year-old, mostly acquired hernia.
Comparing the abdominal length, the distance between the anterior upper iliac spines, and the length and direction of the inguinal ligamentum in the two groups, following results were obtained.
a) The ratio of iliacal distance to abdominal length is found much bigger in hernia case than in non-hernia.
b) So far as group A of hernia cases are concerned, inguinal ligament is rather long even in male.
c)The angel of inguinal ligament to the body-axis bigger in group A, and smaller in group B in male hernia than in non-hernia cases.
II) Internal measurement of inguinal region
a) A remarkable difference between hernia and non-hernia cases is recongnized in regard to external inguinal ring and inguinal canal the ring is larger, the canal is shorter and sharper in hernia cases.
b) The area of inguinal trigone is not always wider in hernia cases
Based on the findings above mentioned, the author wants to emphasize that plastic manipulation of both the external inguinal ring and inguinal canal is indispensable at the time of radical surgery of hernia.
c) From rentogenogram the author found that peritoneal vaginal process is always closed in the normal adult. In foeta the process on the right side is found to be closed and formed remarkably later than on the left. It should be explained that the frequent occurrence of right side hernia is due to this embryological difference. (author's abstract)

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