[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 5869KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 54(8): 684-692, 1953

Original article


2nd Surgical Department, Tokyo University Director: Prof. T. FUKUDA

Saburo OYA

The fate of penicillin tissue level after systemic administration was studied in experimental inflammation, produced on the abdominal skin of rabbit after inoculation of staphylococcus aureus 209 p and surgical infection of cutis, subcutis, lymphnode and muscles.
Penicillin amount in normal tissue, inflammed tissue, pus and blood was determined at various times after intramuscular injection of aqueous penicillin G or procaine penicillin G in oil by Torii's one dimensional diffusion methode.
After intramuscular injection of aqueous penicillin G 5,000 U/kg in rabbit, penicillin level of normal skin reached a maximum within 1/2 hour, which was about 30% of maximal blood level; penicilin level in the periphery of inflammed skin, of which capillary permeability increased, was generally higher than normal skin level, but in the center, which showed tissue degeneration, reached to a poor maximam between 1 and 2 hours, which was below 30% maximal level of normal skin; penicillin level of inflammed skin crossed with blood level at about 1 1/2 hours after systemic administration and continued, especially in the center, at effective concentration longer than normal skin level as well as blood level. When the penicilin close was increased, the increase in duration of penicillin level in the center was greater than that of blood level.
The fate of penicilin tissue level in surgical infection after intramuscular injection of aqueous penicilin G was simmilar to the results in rabbit.
The maximal level of exsudative inflammatory tissue was higher, but that of degenerative or necrotic tissue was lower than that of normal tissue. The duration of penicillin level in inflammed tissue was longer than that of blood level. When abscess was punctured and sucked, the penicillin amount in abscess after systemin administration was increased.
From these results it was revealed that the increased capillary permeability intensifies, the reduce or obstruction of blood flow decreases the diffusion of penicillin into tissue and the decrease or loss of absorption prolongs the retention of penisilin in tissue.
The fate of penicillin tissue level in experimental inflammation of rabbits after intramuscular injection of procaine penicillin G in oil was individually more different than that after administration of aqueous penicillin G. (author's abstract)

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