[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 3826KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 54(8): 667-674, 1953

Original article


Surgical Department, Keio University (Prof. N. Shimada)

Ichiro ONO

From the biological change of blood on experimental and clinical shock due to electrical injuries, Lh following resuIts were obtained.
1. No change was found in both conditions of haemoconcentration and dilution on shock due to electrical injuries. Therefore, the author considered that shock due to electrical injuries is similar to traumatic shock.
2. Red cells showed no change in its morphology.
3. White cells did not increase remarkably on shock due to electrical injuries. In clincal cases, incresing of white cells was not found, except in one with serious injuries of soft tissues.
4. Lymphocytes decreased remarkably on shock due to electrical injuries, in clinical cases, similar changes were detected in shock symptoms. Eosinopenia was remarkable in clinical cases.
In view of the experimental and clinical observations mentioned above, the author has discussed a relation between the occurrence of shock due to electrical injuries and "Alarm-Reaktion". (author's abstract)

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