[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 7733KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 54(4): 334-341, 1953

Original article


I. Surgical Department, Tokyo University Medical School. (Director: Prof. K. OTSUKI)


In order to study on the diagnostic value of electroencephalography for the localization of the injury of the cerebral cortex, in 22 cases in which craniotomy was performed and existence, extent, and localization of the cortical damage were clearly discloed an analysis of the electroencephalogram was performed. The results were as follows:
Comparing the healthy area, electroencephalogram of the damaged area showed that,
1) remakably slower waves were seen in that area, and in fresh or more severely injured cases slow waves observed also in undamaged area but injured area showed much more slow wave than the former ;
2) marked change of a wave. namely appearance of the a wave was always less frequent;
3) average of the frequency of the a wave was smaller;
4) appearance of the fast wave increased, particularly slightly frequent wave was the commonest;
5) appearance of the slow, particularly 3~6 per sec. wave was remarkable ;
6) baseline fluctuation during the period of more than one sec. was also one of its characteristics ;
7) wave form was irregular and the spike aud the domeshaped waves were frequently observed. (author's abstract)

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