[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 6132KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 53(12): 971-977, 1953

Original article


Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University, (Director: Prof. Dr. MORI)
2nd Surgical Clinic, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University. (Director: Prof. Dr. TOMODA)

Toshitane SATO

With a view to ascertaining how the non-continuous metastasis of gastric cancer in the stomach wall can occur in the fundus, I ligatured the arrangement lymphatic of the rabbit's stomach and observed how collateral and abnormal lymph passages were formed. It was found by this experiment that when the arrangement lymph passage is blocked the lymph in that region finds its way to the adjacent lymphatic mainly through the subserous lymphatic net.
When a lymph passage is blocked by a cancer focus in the stomachs of patients of gastric cancer, the following changes are observable in the lymphatic system :
1) When a lymph passage is blocked at the right paracardiac lymph node on the anterior wall, the lymph carrying cancer cells flows into the left paracardiac lymph node through the fundus, so that it is highly probable that cancer cells may be found in the fundus.
2) In cases where a lymph passage is blocked at the distal right paracardiac lymph node on the anterior wall, the lymph carrying cancer cells flows into the proximal right paracardiac lymph node through the fundus, so that it is highly probable that cancer cellsmay be found in the fundus.
(author's abstract)

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