[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 6043KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 53(10): 803-814, 1953

Original article


2nd Surgical Department, Tokyo University Medical School (Director: Prof. T. Fukuda)

Kazuhiro KODEKI

The body fluids exchange of 130 surgical patients was studied from their preoperative staduim to 2 weeks postoperatively. Of these studies, the results of volume exchange are following:
1) Plasma volume is calculated simply by dye disapperance curved after single injection of Evans Blue dye; this methode mey be used in clinics with relative accuracy.
2) Hematocritvalue of pre-and postoperative patients is calculated more accurately by Wintrobe tube than Cupper sulfate method.
3) Extracellulad fluir volume is expressed more faithfully in term of ratio between normal hydration state and extracellular fluid volume, than in term of ratio between body weight and extracellular fluid volume.
4) The slight overhydration in the preoperaive stadium and normal or slightly decreased hydration in the postoperative stadium must be regarded as an ideal method of water administration for surgical patients.
5) Changes of body fluids are larger in basal anesthesia than in spinal anesthesia. Intravenous and inhalation anesthesia reduce the extracellular space in general.
6) Hematocrit in operation rises in those cases whose total losses of circulating blood volume are smaller than 300ml and their insensible losses are relatively great.
7) The changes of red cell volume are the only indicator for postoperative blood loss.
8) In major operations of pulmonary tuberculosis, the circulatory changes recover quickly after such tressor. Peripheral circulation in operations for gastric cancer improves more rapidly than that for gastric ulcer.
9) The turnover of peripheral circulation in cases, whose total blood losses are smaller than 300ml, is much more rapid than in cases, whose losses greater than 300ml.
10) Extracellular fluid volume increases in postaperative stadium, and the degree of increase in thoracic operation is greater than the one in abdominal operation.
11) When the so-called primary water balance is positive extracellular fluid volume decreases if the amount of balance is under insensible loss.
12) Ratio between plasma volume and extracellular fluid volume tends to become constant in the early postoperative staduim. (author's abstract)

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