[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 4312KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 53(5): 301-306, 1952

Original article


Department of Surgery, Tokyo Medical College

Masatoshi TAKAHASHI, Yoshihiro HAYATA

As one of the morphological changes of red blood-corpuscles associated with fracture, we had observed the change of diameter of the red blood-corpuscles which were expressed on the Price-Jones curve.
We classified the changes of the P-curve as 4 types by the degree of the shift to the right side.
Our patients were 10 and we had observed the relationship between the cause on healing of the fracture and P-curve, reticulocytes of the peripheral blood and condition of the bone marrow. We will report the following results.
1) We had recognized that there are primary shift to the right which appeares in the first stage in healing of the fracture and secondary to the right which appeares during convalescence.
The primary shift had occurred immediately after the fracture, restored to normal after 2 or 6 days, depending on the quantity of blood loss due to fracture.
The secondary shift begins after 6 or 14 days, restored to normal after 25 or 65 days together, accompanying the healing of fracture and corresponds to convalescence and the duration of the newly formed callus.
2) Reticulocytes increse slightly in the stage of the secondary shift to the right and there is an increse in the function of the marrow which influences locally not only the function of the marrow but the entire marrow during convalescence.
(author's abstract)

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