[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 3022KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 53(3): 168-174, 1952

Original article


2nd Surgical Department, Tokyo University (Director: Prof. T. Fukuda)


In this article the author studied on the change of blood sugar and sugar in organ, change of glycogen and change of phosphor in blood after supply of sugar in about 50 dogs and 50 rats being under secondary shock.
1) I measured the blood sugar by Hagedorn method. Early in shock, blood sugar is constantly much and it decreases in end stadium of shock.
2) I saw that the liver and muscle glycogen decreased rapidly, when I measured them by Simonovits method. The rate of reduation of glycogen became slow after the early stage of shock. Liver glycogen decresed more than muscle glycogen.
3) Inorganic phosphor and whole phosphor increase in shock stadium. When I supply dog and rat in shock with sugar, inorganic and whole phosphor increase more than the rate of increase in shock without supply of sugar. Phosphor has to be used as the phosphor ester, so it decreses. But I found the contrary fact in shock. (author's abstract)

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