Original article
Experimental Stady of Intestinal Homotranspantation
Shigeru Saito
J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 72(7): 873-890, 1971
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Clinical and Experimental studies on Renal Failure in the obstructive Jaundice
-in terms of Endotoxin snock-
Haruo Nakano, M.D.
J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 72(7): 904-920, 1971
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Experimental Studies on the Albumin Distribution Following Surgical Procedure.
Sukezane Makino
J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 72(7): 921-931, 1971
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Original article
Experimental Study on Partial Liver Transplantation
Yoichiro Kakumoto
J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 72(7): 932-948, 1971
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Original article
Amino Acid Metabolism in Surgery
-Studies on Plasma Amino Acid Patterns at the Surgical Stress-
Chitaka Kasaoka, Takehiko Inuo, Satoru Kaifu, Yoshinori Tsuda
J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 72(7): 949-960, 1971
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Original article
Anti-Tumor Activity of non-Immune and Immune Thoracic Duct Lymphcells in Tumor Transplantation
J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 72(7): 961-973, 1971
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Original article
Statistical analysis of factors influencing operative results in the aged. Part I Gastric surgery
Kozo Ishida
J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 72(7): 985-997, 1971
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Original article
The Statistical Diagnosis concerning Several Types of Portal Hypertension using Geometrieal Measurements on the Portogram
Takahiko Funabiki
J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 72(7): 998-1008, 1971
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J.Jpn. Surg. Soc. ISSN 1880-1129