[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1101KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 79(9): 1046-1051, 1978

Report on the annual meeting


Department of Surgery, Kinki University

Masayuki Yasutomi, Zenji Iwasa, Takesada Mori, Katsuhisa Shindo, Nobuteru Kikkawa

The social rehabilitation of 159 rectal cancer patients was investigated for more than two years after radical surgery. One hundred (62.9%) of the 159 patients went back to the same work, 39 (24.5%) patients changed their work to a ligher work of the same type ; and the other 20 patients (12.6%) could not work. The time when the patients could start light work was three months after surgery for 47.7%, six months for 84.7% and one year for 95%. Sufficient working capacity was achieved by 37.3% six months after surgery, 45.7% after nine months, 65.8% after one year and 78.8% after 2 years. With respect to the type of surgery, return to work was possible faster and more with the sphincter preserving operation than with the Miles operation. A wider pelvic lymph nodes dissection for more complete cancer cure had not an evident influence upon the return to work, that was 66.6% to same work, 6.3% to lighter same work. The wider dissection, however, brought about a bladder dysfunction to 2/3 of patients, and a male sexual impotence to 95.9% of patients.

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