[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 5866KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 56(7): 953-961, 1955


Department of Surgery, Keio Gijuku University School of Medecine.

Tsuneo KAWAI.

The rates of turnover of plasma inorganic phosphate and sodium were determined by the isotop tracer technique in the rabbit, after it had been placed in a state of shock by passing a lethal dose of electricity between both thighs. The effects of splanchnectomy, passing of sublethal dose of electricily and electric injuries to head on the rate of turnover were also examined.
1) 30.1% of plasma sodium was exchanged each minute with extravascular sodium while the turnover rate of inorganic phosphate was only 4.2%.
2) In severe shock, the rates of turnover of sodium and phosphate were reduced markedly and capillary permeability also drcreased, i.e., after passing Iethal dose of electricity the rate of exchang of sodium was reduced about 75~77%, while the reduction of the phosphate turnover was about 45~55%. The time required for their plasma concentration to become half of the initial concentration is mnrkedly delayed.
3) When the splanchnectomy was done previously or sublethal doses of electricity were used, i.e., when the shock was reversible, moderat decrease of the rate of turnover was noticed first, but the change of the capillary permeability was slight.
(author's abstract)

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